For the 2nd year in a row, a few Grand Canyon Ward scouts, together with their dads, hiked 16 miles from Chamberlain's Ranch through the Zion Narrows to the Temple of Sinewava. 4:00PM on day one found the group trudging into campsite #10 after 11 miles on the river. Camp was only a couple hundred yards north and across the river from #12 where they camped the year previous. After dropping packs, setting up camp, rigging Roundy's and Curtis' hammocks, filtering water and throwing back some Mountain House, the boys began a game of hide and seek with no boundaries. After a few falls on the mossy rocks in the river, the boys returned to the campground where all read together from "For the Strength of Youth" and Mosiah 18. Scriptures were followed by several games of "Wink Murder" and bedtime. All but Paul Roundy were up by 5:00 the following morning eating oatmeal and packing. Brother Curtis and Cameron Rose, who slept under the stars, were the 1st back on the trail. Day 2 found the group floating down the river on their packs, swimming in the fountain of youth, mesmerized by Wall Street and passing the masses of tourists hiking up from the Temple of Sinewava. All but Cameron Rose and Luke Bailey took painful diggers on the slippery river rocks. Dexter won the prize for the best Fred Flintstone imitation when he fell so fast he had no time to break his fall with anything but his forehead. A lump the size of a baseball with a little heartbeat on the end of it emerged immediately. With the exception of a bump on the head and typical scrapes, scratches and very sore muscles, all went well and most are looking forward to next year. - GQE


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