Adult leaders together with 7 - 12 & 13 year-old boys from Troop 624 left the Alexander Building at about 5:30 Friday evening for Macks Canyon. Upon arrival, Kelly Graham started coals for tin foil dinners while the boys gathered timbers to build a shelter. After the shelter was built, boys enjoyed their dinners and devoured Devar Overson's dutch oven cobbler (peach and cherry).

Following cobbler, boys played a game of capture the flag then listened to Trenton Roundy share thoughts on one Elder Uchtdorf's conference talks. Cody Graham followed with some of his thoughts and Trenton Rose taught the group how to make dutch oven smores. Somehow all 7 boys squeezed into shelter and, after an hour of jokes and stories, they crashed until 6:00 Saturday morning.

Morning found busy boys building a fire. David Karnafel introduced "Chee-eggages" - a breakfast favorite of the Atlanta troop he transferred from last July (very likely the author's favorite now as well).

Following breakfast, boys remarkably cleaned up their camp without being asked by an adult leader. They played a couple more games of capture the flag, loaded up and returned to Las Vegas by 10:00AM.

Participants: Trenton Roundy, Trenton Rose, Josh Jones, Daniel Buchanan, Cody Graham, Locke Edwards, David Karnafel, DJ Overson, Devar Overson, Kelly Graham and Quincy Edwards